2121 is a retro dystopian web series. In writing the series, I wanted to pay homage to the retro films I love in the dystopian genre, such as Logan’s Run, Soylent Green, and THX1138. Both the storyline and production are inspired by the 70’s aesthetic of these films.
“In a strict dystopian future controlled by an all-seeing AI that kills or expels any citizens who break its rules, a group of rebels try outwit the authorities, bring down the system, and win their freedom from its brutal oppression.”
2121 was filmed was filmed in Melbourne, Australia, starring TV legend Gary Sweet and up-and-comer Briar Rose. It was funded by Australia’s most prestigious film body, Screen Australia, and has over 1 million views online.
You can watch the series on YouTube here.

First they built the wall, and we did nothing—for we were safe inside the wall.
Then, they cleaned the air and the water, and we did nothing—for we wanted to breathe and to drink.
Then, the dictated what we could say and do, so we said and did nothing—for those were our orders.
Finally, they had complete control, and it was too late—they had lulled our spirits into that deep, long sleep of apathy.
But me? I woke up. And I’m not the only one. We’ve opened our eyes to this nightmare we were complicit in creating.
And now that we’re awake? We have a craving for a reckoning.
– Excerpt from 2121, Episode 1